Melissa Madara Author

Melissa Madara is a witch, herbalist, storyteller, activist and chef. They are a co-owner at Catland Books, Brooklyn's most famous occult shop, and Catlands educational courtyard garden, which features an array of medicinal, magical, and poisonous plants. They are also the editrix at Venefica Magazine, a radical arts & occulture journal. Their work as a chef since graduating from New York's The Natural Gourmet has run the gamut from traditional french pastry to health-focused meal planning. Melissa has been featured in The New York Times, Vogue, Teen Vogue, Refinery29 and many other media outlets for their work as a witch. Their writing has been published in Venefica Magazine, Susie Magazine and Fiddler's Green. Their work on kitchen witchcraft has been featured in Vice.