Melissa Garavini Author

Riitta Oittinen works as a lecturer and adjunct professor at the University of Tampere, Finland, where she teaches translation. She has over 200 publications, including books and articles, 40 picturebook translations, 30 animated films, 30 art exhibitions, and five illustrated books. Her best-known books include Translating for Children (2000) and Kuvakirja kääntäjän kädessä (2004). Anne Ketola is a doctoral student at the University of Tampere, Finland. Her doctoral thesis examines word–image interaction in technical translation. Her other research interests involve the translation of children’s literature, particularly from a multimodally-oriented perspective. She has published in journals such as Translation Studies, trans-kom and Connexions. Melissa Garavini obtained her doctorate from the University of Turku with a thesis focused on Finnish-Italian translations of Mauri Kunnas’s picturebooks. Her research interests include translation studies and picturebooks. She collaborates with MeTRa, the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of Translation and Mediation for and by Children of the University of Bologna.