Megen de Bruin-Molé Editor

Stefan Herbrechter is a writer and research fellow at Coventry University and Privatdozent at Heidelberg University.

Ivan Callus is Professor of English at the University of Malta.

Manuela Rossini works as a research manager in the central administration of the University of Basel and is associated to its English Department as Executive Director of the European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts (SLSAeu).

Marija Grech is a Visiting Senior Lecturer at the Department of English at the University of Malta and a Visiting Fellow of the School of Humanities & Languages at the University of New South Wales, Sydney.

Megen de Bruin-Molé (University of Southampton) is a scholar and university lecturer working in the UK.

Christopher John Müller is a lecturer in Cultural Studies & Media at Macquarie University, Sydney and an Honorary Research Associate in Critical and Cultural Theory at Cardiff University.