Pro J2EE 1.4: From Professional to Expert
4 authors - Paperback
Sue Spielman--Sue Spielman is President and Senior Consulting Engineer for Switchback Software LLC (www.switchbacksoftware.com). Switchback Software provides a full range of software development and consulting services for enterprise business, web, and wireless applications. Sue frequently speaks at industry conferences around the US and is the author of 'The Struts Framework: Practical Guide for Java Programmers', 'JSTL: Practical Guide for JSP Programmers', and 'The Web Conferencing Book'.
Meeraj Kunnumpurath--Meeraj works as a Senior Information Specialist with Electronic Data Systems. He has been using enterprise Java for more than four years. He is the author/co-author of 8 previous books including Professional JMS, Professional JSP Site Design, J2EE Design Patterns Applied, and JBoss Deployment and Administration Handbook. He is a Sun Certified Java Programmer and Web Component Developer. He also writes for popular web sites and journals