Blockchain, Big Data and Machine Learning
4 contributors - Hardback
Neeraj Kumar (M’16–SM’18) received the Ph.D. degree in computer science engineering from Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, India. He was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Coventry University, Coventry, U.K. He is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Thapar University, Patiala, India. He has athored or co-authored more than 300 technical research papers in leading journals and conferences from IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, John Wiley and others. Some of his research findings are published in top cited journals such as IEEE TIE, IEEE TDSC, IEEE TITS, IEEE TCC, IEEE TKDE, IEEE TVT, IEEE TCE, IEEE Netw., IEEE Comm., IEEE WC, IEEE IoTJ, IEEE SJ, FGCS, JNCA, and ComCom. He has guided many Ph.D. and M.E./M.Tech. students. His research is supported by fundings from Tata Consultancy Service, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, and Department of Science and Technology. He was the recipient of the Best Research Paper awards from IEEE ICC 2018 and IEEE Systems Journal 2018. He is leading the research group Sustainable Practices for Internet of Energy and Security (SPINES) where group members are working on the latest cutting-edge technologies. He is a TPC member and reviewer of many international conferences across the globe. He is a visiting Professor at Coventry University, Coventry, U.K. He is in the editorial board of JNCA, Elsevier, IEEE Communication Magazine, IJCS, Wiley, IEEE Networks, Computer Communications, and Security & Privacy, Wiley. He has more than 5000 citations to his credit with current h-index 39. He has more than 6 crores of research funding from different govt organizations and industry. He has edited 2 books, more than 15 special issues of different journals.
N. Gayathri received her B. Tech as well as M. Tech. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, India. She is currently working as an Assistant Professor in Galgotias University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Her research interests include cloud computing, Big Data Analytic and network security. She has published more than 20 international journals papers and contributed book chapters.
Md Arafatur Rahman received his Ph.D. degree in Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy in 2013. He has more than 10 years Research and Teaching experience in the domain of Computer and Communications Engineering. Currently, he is a Senior Lecturer (equivalent to Assistant Professor) with the Faculty of Computer Systems & Software Engineering, University Malaysia Pahang, where he has conducted Undergraduate and Masters Courses and supervised more than 10 B.Sc., 4 M.Sc. and 3 PhD students. He worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with University of Naples Federico II in 2014 and Visiting Researcher with the Sapienza University of Rome in 2016. His research interests include Internet-of-Things (IoT), wireless communication networks, cognitive radio network, and vehicular communication. He has developed excellent track record of academic leadership as well as management and execution of international ICT projects that are supported by agencies in the Italy, EU and Malaysia. Dr. Rahman has received number of prestigious international research awards, notably the Best Paper Award at ICNS 2015 (Italy), IC0902 Grant (France), Italian Government PhD Research Scholarship and IIUM Best Masters Student Award, Best Supervisor Award at UMP, Awards in International Exhibitions including Diamond and Gold in BiS 2017 UK, Best of the Best Innovation Award and Most Commercial IT Innovation Award, Malaysia, and Gold and Silver medals in iENA 2017 Germany. Dr. Rahman has co-authored of over 60 prestigious IEEE and Elsevier journal and conference publications and has served as a Publicity Chair, Session Chair, Programme Committee and Member of Technical Programme Committee (TPC) in numerous leading conferences worldwide. He is a Fellow of IBM Center of Excellence, Malaysia and a Member of IEEE.
Dr.B.Balamurugan Completed Ph.D at VIT University, Vellore and currently working as a Professor in Galgotias University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh. He has 15 years of teaching experience in the field of computer science. His area of interest lies in the field of Internet of Things, Big data, Networking. He has published more than 100 International journals papers and contributed book chapters.