Mbih Jerome Tosam Editor

Mbih Jerome Tosam is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Bamenda, Cameroon. He obtained his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon, in 2011. He is former Chair of the Department of Philosophy at the Higher Teacher Training College (HTTC), Bambili (2011–2017) and the Faculty of Arts of the University of Bamenda, Cameroon (2017–2021). His research interests are in the areas of Bioethics, African Philosophy, and Intercultural philosophy. Some of his publications have appeared in the following journals: South African Journal of Philosophy, Annali di studi religiosi, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy: A European Journal, Developing World Bioethics, Journal of World Philosophies, and Polylog: Forum for Intercultural Philosophy.
Erasmus Masitera (June 3 1979- March 1 2022) was a senior lecturer in Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Great Zimbabwe University, Masvingo, Zimbabwe. At the time of his demise, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of the Free State, South Africa. His research areas revolved around the connections of Ethics, Ubuntu, land reform, and social justice.