May Thorseth Author & Editor

Charles Ess is Professor MSO in the Department of Information and Media Studies at Aarhus University (2009-2012). Recent publications include Digital Media Ethics (2009) and, with Mia Consalvo as co-editor, The Blackwell Handbook of Internet Studies (2010). With Fay Sudweeks, he co-founded and co-chairs the biennial conference series Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication (CATaC).
May Thorseth is Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway, director of the Programme for Applied Ethics, and also part of the management group of NTNU’s Globalisation Programme. Most of her recent work has focused on deliberative democracy, in particular related to online communication and virtual environments, and also on democracy and fundamentalism in view of global communication ethics.