Max Turner Author & Editor

Max Turner, MA PhD (Cantab) FRSA is Professor of New Testament Studies at London School of Theology. Max studied medicine and theology at Cambridge and then went on to complete his NT doctorate on Luke-Acts there. With the exception of a five-year secondment as lecturer in the University of Aberdeen, he has been with the London Bible College since 1974. His major books on the Holy Spirit, Power from on High and The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts have established him as the leading international scholar in this field. He has also written Linguistics and Biblical Interpretation (with Peter Cotterell) and is at present engaged on a major commentary on Ephesians (New International Greek Testament Commentary). With Professor Joel Green he is editing (for Eerdmans) the pioneering Two Horizons Commentary series (a new type of commentary, interfacing NT with biblical, systematic and practical theology), for which he is preparing the volume on Ephesians.