Mauro Graziani Editor

Paolo Fornasiero obtained a Ph.D. in heterogeneous catalysis in 1997. A post-doctoral fellow at the Catalysis Research Center of the University of Reading,UK, he became Assistant Professor in Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Trieste in 1998, and Associate Professor in 2006. His scientific interests are in the technological application of material science and heterogeneous catalysis to the solution of environmental problems, such as the design of innovative materials for catalytic converters, the development of catalysts for the reduction of nitrogen oxides under oxidizing conditions, the photo-catalytic degradation of pollutants, and the design of new catalysts for the production and purification of hydrogen to be used in fuel cells. He is coauthor of more than 150 publications on international journals and books, three patents, and a number of communications to national and international meetings, in many cases as invited lecturer. He was awarded the Stampacchia Prize in 1994 for his first publication, and he received the Nasini Gold Medal in 2005, awarded by the Italian Chemical Society, for his contribution to research in the field of Inorganic Chemistry. Mauro Graziani has been full Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Trieste since 1975. His scientific interests have moved from organometallic chemistry, to homogeneous catalysis, to catalyst heterogeneization on various types of supports, and finally, to heterogeneous catalysis using transition metals supported on different oxides. In particular, with regard to hydrogen production, the water-gas shift and the NO + CO reactions have been studied. He is coauthor of more than 200 publications, four patents, and has been invited to present lectures at the most prestigious congresses in the field. He has also been a visiting Research Associate at Ohio State University and MIT, visiting Professor at Universities of Cambridge, Campinas and Zaragoza, UNESCO Scientific Advisor, Prorector of the University of Trieste, Dean of the Faculty of Science of the University of Trieste, Vice President of the Elettra Synchrotron and VicePresident of the Area Science Park of Trieste. He is an Associate Fellow of the Third World Academy of Science.