Maurice Jesse Elias Editor

Reuven Bar-On is Director of Emotional Intelligence Research in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Texas Medical Branch. He has been involved in studying and applying various aspects of emotional intelligence since 1980. Bar-On coined the term EQ (Emotional Quotient) in his doctoral dissertation submitted in 1985. This approach to describing emotional-social functioning and competence culminated in the creation of the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) in 1997, the first measure of its kind to be published by a psychological test publisher and peer-reviewed. Bar-On has authored or edited more than 20 publications on this topic, including The Handbook of Emotional Intelligence (2000).

J.G. Maree is a Professor of Education at Pretoria University and Editor of Perspectives in Education. An author or co-author of more than 36 books and 80 articles, he is internationally known for his work in career counseling. His research focuses on optimizing the achievement of disadvantaged learners. He is also a highly rated Researcher with the National Research Foundation in South Africa. Maree was recently honored with Exceptional Achiever status.

Maurice Jesse Elias is Director of the Rutgers University Social-Emotional Learning Lab, and a Professor in the Psychology Department at Rutgers. He is also Director of the university's Developing Safe and Civil Schools prevention initiative, as well as Acting Chairman of the Leadership Team at the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning. Among his many publications are Emotionally Intelligent Parenting (2000) and Raising Emotionally Intelligent Teenagers.