Matthieu Durand Editor

Dr Eric Barret is a well-known urologist at Montsouris Institut in Paris, France and Dr Matthieu Durand is an urologist at Nice University hospital in France and specialist in cryotherapy. Prof. Guy Vallancien (Institut Montsouris, Paris, France) will write the Foreword. He is head of urology department at Montsouris Institut, Professor at Paris Descartes University, President of the European School of Surgery and Member of the Executive Committee of the French Urological Association.

International leaders in urology contribute to the book: Frank Bladdou (Mc Gill University, Montreal, Quebec), Mark Emberton (UCL, London, UK), Vladimir Mouraviev (University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, USA), Jean DelaRosette (AMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Raphaelle Renard-Penna (Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, France), R. Renard-Penna (Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, France), Hedvig Hricak (MSKCC, NYC, USA), Petr Macek (University Hospital, Pragua, Czech Republic), Albert Gelet (University Hospital, Lyon, France) Jean Marc Cosset (Institut Curie, Paris, France), Hashim Ahmed (UCL, London, UK), Scott Eggener (University of Chicago Medicine, USA), Michael J Zelesky (MSKCC, NYC, USA), Duke Bahn (PIOA, Ventura, USA), Arnaud Villers (University Hospital, Lille, France), Shahrokh Shariat (Weill Cornell Medical Center, NYC, USA), John Trachtenberg (Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Canada), Laurence Klotz (Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Canada).