Matthew R Smallman-Raynor Author

Professor Matthew R. Smallman-Raynor, Professor of Geography, University of Nottingham, since 2004. Educ: Cambridge University, BA (1988), MA Cantab. (1991), PhD (1991). Res. Associate in Geog., Univ. of Cambridge, 1991-94; Lectr in Geog., Univ. of Exeter, 1994-96; Univ. of Nottingham: Res. Fellow, 1996-98; Lectr in Geog., 1998-2001; Reader in Geog., 2001-4. Professor Andrew D. Cliff, European Academy 2002; FBA 1996; RGS/IBG Victoria Medal Victoria Medal, 2017, for research excellence in spatial epidemiology. Professor of Theoretical Geography, University of Cambridge, since 1997; Pro-Vice-Chancellor 2004-10; Fellow, Christ's College, Cambridge, since 1974. Educ: King's Coll. London (BA 1964); Northwestern Univ. (MA 1966); Univ. of Bristol (PhD 1969; DSc 1982); MA Cantab. 1973. FSS 1968. Teaching Asst in Geog., Northwestern Univ., 1964-66; University of Bristol: Res. Associate in Geog., 1968-69; Lectr 1969-72; Lectr in Geog., Univ. of Cambridge, 1973-91; Reader in Theoretical Geog., Univ. of Cambridge, 1991-97. Professor J. Keith Ord, Professor Emeritus of Business Statistics at Georgetown University since 2015. Educ. London School of Economics B.Sc(Econ), 1973, Ph.D. (1967). Univ. of Bristol: Res. Asst in Econ,1966-67, Lect. In Econ and OR, 1967-74; Univ. of Warwick: Reader in Stat., 1974-1980. Pennsylvania State Univ.: Professor of Mgmt Sci and Stat, 1980-99; Georgetown Univ.: Professor of Operations Mgmt and Stat. 1999-2015. Professor Peter Haggett, CBE ScD (Cantab) FBA. Emeritus prof. geog., University of Bristol. Hon degr. UK: Bristol, Durham, UCL, UWE: Other: Copenhagen, Helsinki, York(Can). For.memb: US Nat.Acad.Sci, Amer.Acad. Arts. Sci.; Chmn. Hist. Med. Ctte, Wellcome Trust. J.J.Hill (Public Health, Geog.), Wisconsin. PAHO Fellow, Centers for Disease Control (CDC).