Matt Dixon Illustrator & Author

Matt Dixon is an exercise physiologist and an elite triathlon coach. He is founder and president of purplepatch fitness, a fitness and coaching company that caters to triathletes and endurance enthusiasts of all levels, from world champions to beginners. In just five years, Dixonà ¢ €š ¬ €ž ¢s purplepatch athletes have earned over 150 professional Ironmanà €š ® and Ironman 70.3à €š ® championships and podium finishes, 50 of which are wins. Dixon has helped over 100 athletes to qualify for the Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii. Dixon is a former professional triathlete and two-time Olympic trials finalist in swimming. He has a masterà ¢ €š ¬ €ž ¢s degree in clinical and exercise physiology and contributes regularly to Triathlete, LAVA, Outside, and USA Triathlon magazines. He has also written for the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Outside, Menà ¢ €š ¬ €ž ¢s Fitness, and Menà ¢ €š ¬ €ž ¢s Health.