Mathieu Caesar Editor & Author

Denis Menjot is Emeritus Professor of Medieval History at the Université Lumière-Lyon 2. With Pere Verdés Pijuan he directs the e-Glossary of Medieval Taxation. He has been president of the European Association of Urban History (2006–2008). He is president of the Société Française d’Histoire Urbaine, director of Histoire Urbaine and corresponding member of the Real Academia de la Historia. His previous publications include "Taxation and Sovereignty in Medieval Castile", in Authority and Spectacle in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, Routledge, 2017.

Mathieu Caesar is Associate Professor in Medieval History at the Université de Genève. He is the author of Le pouvoir en ville. Gestion urbaine et pratiques politiques à Genève (fin XIIIe – début XVIe siècles), Brepols, 2011, and the editor of Factional Struggles. Divided Elites in European Cities and Courts (1400–1750), Brill, 2017, and (with Franco Morenzoni), La Loi du Prince, vol. 1: Les Statuts de Savoie d’Amédée VIII (1430), Turin, 2019.

Florent Garnier is Professor in Legal History at the University of Toulouse 1 Capitole. He is member of Commission scientifique du Comité pour l’Histoire Economique et Financière de la France. His previous publications include "Le fort portant le faible", Déclarez vos revenus! Histoire et imaginaire d’un instrument fiscal (XVIIIe–XXIe siècle), O. Poncet et K. Weidenfeld (Études réunies par), Collection "Études et rencontres de l’École des Chartes", 57, Paris, 2019.

Pere Verdés Pijuan is currently Senior Scientist in the IMF-CSIC in Barcelona, Spain, where he directs the research group on "Taxation and public finances in the Crown of Aragon (13th–15th centuries)". He is director with Denis Menjot of the Glossary of Medieval Taxation and is part of the Steering Committee of the research network on taxation in the Hispanic kingdoms Arca Comunis. Since 2019, he has been director of the Anuario de Estudios Medievales.