Pisces Witch
2 authors - Paperback
Ivo Dominguez, Jr. (Georgetown, DE) has been active in the magickal community since 1978. He is one of the founders of Keepers of the Holly Chalice, the first Assembly of the Sacred Wheel coven. He serves as one of the Elders in the Assembly. Ivo is the lead author of Llewellyn's Witch's Sun Sign Series and the author of several other titles, including The Four Elements of the Wise and Practical Astrology for Witches and Pagans. In his mundane life, he has been a computer programmer, the executive director of an AIDS/HIV service organization, a bookstore owner, and many other things. Visit him at www.ivodominguezjr.com. Sandra Kynes (Mid-coast Maine) is a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids and the author of nineteen books, including Star Magic, Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences, Mixing Essential Oils for Magic, and Sea Magic. Additionally, her work has been featured in Utne Reader, The Portal, and Circle Magazine. Sandra's writing also appears regularly in Llewellyn's popular almanacs and datebooks. Visit her at Kynes.net. Mat Auryn is a witch, professional psychic, and occult teacher. He is also the multi-award-winning author of the international bestselling book Psychic Witch and a High Priest in the Sacred Fires Tradition of Witchcraft. He is a teacher at Modern Witch University, and has a column in Witches & Pagans magazine entitled Extra-Sensory Witchcraft. He has been featured in various magazines, radio shows, podcasts, books, anthologies, and other periodicals. To find out more about him and his work visit his website or follow him on Instagram @matauryn. H. Byron Ballard, BA, MFA (Asheville, NC) is a western NC native, teacher, folklorist, and writer. She has served as a featured speaker and teacher at several festivals and conferences, including the Sacred Space Conference, Pagan Spirit Gathering, Starwood, Hexfest and many others. She serves as senior priestess and co-founder of Mother Grove Goddess Temple and the Coalition of Earth Religions/CERES, both in Asheville, NC. She podcasts about Appalachian folkways on Wyrd Mountain Gals. Her essays are featured in several anthologies and she writes a regular column for SageWoman Magazine. Find her online at www.myvillagewitch.com. Since 1996, Patricia M. Lafayllve has lectured and performed rituals throughout the United States. She is a member of Two Ravens Kindred and The Troth, where she has served as Steward, High Steward, Godwoman, Rede member, and Steerswoman. Patricia is the founder of The Troth's Lore Program and served as its Provost. She lives in Southeastern Connecticut. Visit her online at walkyrja.wordpress.com. Heron Michelle (Greenville, NC) is a witch, priestess, artist, and mom. She is the founding High Priestess of the Sojo Circle Coven, having created a training program in Modern Witchcraft that has been taught publicly since 2010. Heron is the owner of the Sojourner Whole Earth Provisions metaphysical shop, a Reiki master, tarot diviner, and a clairvoyant specializing in past-life retrieval. She writes the blog Witch on Fire at Patheos Pagan, and regularly lectures at local universities, festivals, and conferences. Thea Sabin is a professional editor and writer whose work has appeared in numerous publications, both pagan and non-pagan, and is a former newspaper astrology columnist. A practicing Wiccan since her teens, the author received formal training in a British Traditional path and currently she and her husband run a coven of the same tradition. Sabin holds a Masters Degree in Education, is an avid organic gardener and lover of Hong Kong gangster movies. She makes her home in the Pacific Northwest. Thealandrah is a priestess drawn to the archetypal energies of the Egyptian pantheon. She has been a member of Light Haven, a contacted mystery school in North Carolina, studying with Aeptha since its inception, 30 years ago. Initiated into the Solomonic tradition by Shakmah Winddrum and Aeptha, she is now an adept, Mahceptress, and High Priestess of the lodge. Matthew Venus is a folk magician, artist, and witch. He is the owner of Spiritus Arcanum (IG: @Spiritus_Arcanum, SpiritusArcanum.com) an occult shop focusing on handcrafted incenses and oils, where he also hosts classes and workshops of folk magic, traditional witchcraft, and magical herbalism. He is also the cofounder of the Salem Witchcraft and Folklore Festival www.SalemWitchfest.com. Dawn Aurora Hunt, owner and CEO of Cucina Aurora Kitchen Witchery, has been teaching and writing on the topics of Kitchen Witchery and Spiritual Nutrition since 2010, when she started her own company making gourmet foods with a dash of magic and a heaping helping of positive vibes as the main ingredients. With simple ingredients and the power of intention, Hunt teaches people how to cook simple meals in a mindful way to help achieve spiritual goals. Incorporating magic and energy work into food, she has grown her brand to reach people from all faiths and spiritual backgrounds. The author of Tastes from the Temple, Hunt speaks at events all along the East Coast, appears regularly on local TV, and teaches people that good, healthy, and even gluten-free food can be easy to make and wonderful to eat.