Ezra Pound, Italy, and the Cantos
Massimo Bacigalupo - Hardback
Massimo Bacigalupo is emeritus professor of American literature at the University of Genoa, Italy, author of The Forméd Trace: The Later Poetry of Ezra Pound (Columbia University Press, 1980) and more recently the editor of Pound’s Posthumous Cantos (Carcanet, 2016). His articles and reviews have appeared in the Paris Review, Modern Language Review, Yale Review, Notes & Queries, The Wallace Stevens Journal, etc. He has edited and translated works by Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Dickinson, Melville, Eliot, Stevens, Faulkner, and Heaney. Bacigalupo grew up in Rapallo, in a family of doctors that knew Pound and his relatives as patients and friends. In 1985 he curated a centenary Pound exhibition in Rapallo. He has edited new editions and translations of the poetry, and is widely acknowledged as one of Pound’s foremost interpreters.