Massimiliano M Pellegrini Editor & Author

Andrea Caputo is Reader in Entrepreneurship and Head of Research Training and Development at the Lincoln International Business School of the University of Lincoln (United Kingdom). He has previously worked at Princess Sumaya University for Technology (Jordan), and at the University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy), where he also received his PhD. He has been visiting faculty member in several universities, including the University of Queensland, The George Washington University, The University of Pisa, the University of Alicante and the University of Seville. His main research expertise is in negotiation, decision-making, entrepreneurship and strategic management. He has published in many international journals, including Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviours & Research, European Business Review, Business Process Management Journal, Negotiation & Conflict Management Research and International Journal of Conflict Management.
Massimiliano M. Pellegrini was a Senior lecturer in Entrepreneurship at Roehampton Business School and is now a researcher at University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy) where he also received his PhD. He has previously worked or held visiting roles at the Wharton School, University of Linz, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Princess Sumaya University and University of West-London. He is currently chair for the Strategic Interest Group of Entrepreneurship (E-ship SIG) at the European Academy of Management (EURAM). His research interest and publications are in entrepreneurial and organizational behaviours; he published in many international journals like the Journal of Business Ethics and International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviours & Research, Journal of Managerial Psychology and European Business Review.