Control and Estimation of Dynamical Nonlinear and Partial Differential Equation Systems
3 authors - Hardback
Dr. Masoud Abbaszadeh received B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, and University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, in 2000, 2002, and 2008, respectively, all in Electrical and Computer Engineering. From 2001 to 2003, he was working as a Control and Automation Engineer in automotive manufacturing. From 2008 to 2011, he was with Maplesoft, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, as a Research Engineer. He was the principal developer of the MapleSim Control Design Toolbox and was a member of a research team working on the Maplesoft-Toyota joint projects. From 2011 to 2013, he was a Senior Research Engineer at United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA, working on advanced control systems, and complex systems modeling and simulation. Since 2013 he has been with GE Research Center, Niskayuna, NY, USA, where he is currently a Principal Research Engineer. His research interests include estimation and detection theory, robust and nonlinear control, and machine learning with applications in cyber-physical security & resilience and autonomous systems. Dr. Abbaszadeh has been the recipient of multiple awards including 2018 GE Dushman Award (highest award at GE R&D), 2020 GE Research Controls & Optimization Innovation Award and 2020 GE Research Technology Award. He has over 110 peer-reviewed papers, 7 book chapters, and holds 25 issued US patents, with more than 30 additional patents pending. Dr. Abbaszadeh is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, and a member of IEEE CSS Conference Editorial Board. He has also held an Adjunct Professor position at the Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY, USA.
Dr Ali Zemouche received his Ph.D. degree in automatic control in 2007, from the University Louis Pasteur, where he a held post-doctorate position from October 2007 to August 2008. Following this, he held several academic positions, including as Associate Professor in the Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy at Université de Lorraine, and at Inria - Saclay (EPI DISCO). His research activities include nonlinear systems, state observers, observer-based control, time-delay systems, robust control, learning-based methods, and application to real-world models. Dr Zemouche is currently Associate Editor for leading international journals including SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization, Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Systems Journal, and European Journal of Control. He has over 150 peer-reviewed publications including 7 book chapters. He is also a member of the Conference Editorial Board of IEEE Control Systems Society and IFAC TC2.3 (Non-Linear Control Systems).