Masayasu Ohtsu Editor

Christian U. Grosse is professor of non-destructive testing at Technical University of Munich, Germany. His research in­terests focus on the application and development of non-destructive testing methods such as Acoustic Emission, Ultrasound, Impact-Echo, Vibration Analysis, Radar, IR Thermography as well as wired and wireless structural health monitoring. 

Masayasu Ohtsu is emeritus professor at Kumamoto University, Japan, and is currently adjunct professor at the Laboratory on Innovative Techniques for Infrastructures, Kyoto University, Japan. Working as a world leader in the applications of acoustic emission and non-destructive testing to concrete, he organized two technical committees: TC212-ACD and TC239-MCM in RILEM.

Dimitrios Aggelis is professor at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium. His main area of interest includes characterization of cementitious materials, expanding also to composites and metals by use of non-destructive inspection techniques focused on elastic wave propagation. He was the recipient of the RILEM Robert L’Hermite medal of 2012.

Tomoki Shiotani is professor at Kyoto University, Japan. His research fields involve advanced NDT to assess such infrastructures as road bridges, dams, piers and so forth. He is currently Chairman of Research on AE for the Japanese Society of Non-Destructive Testing (JSNDI), and is a Past-Chairman of the Acoustic Emission Working Group (AEWG), USA. He is one of the founders of the International Institute of Innovative Acoustic Emission (IIIAE).