Masataka Kuwana Editor

John Varga, MD

John and Nancy Hughes Distinguished Professor

Feinberg School of Medicine

Director, Northwestern Scleroderma Program

Chicago, Illinois, USA​


Christopher P. Denton, PhD, FRCP

Professor of Experimental Rheumatology

Centre for Rheumatology and Connective Tissue Diseases

Division of Medicine

University College London

London, United Kingdom


Fredrick M. Wigley, MD

Martha McCrory Professor of Medicine

Department of Medicine/Rheumatology

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Baltimore, Maryland, USA


Yannick Allanore, MD

Service de Rhumatologie A

Université Paris Descartes,

Hôpital Cochin

Paris, France


Masataka Kuwana, MD, PhD


Department of Allergy and Rheumatology

Nippon Medical School Graduate School of Medicine

Tokyo, Japan