3 contributors - Paperback
Jonardon Ganeri is the Bimal K. Matilal Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the University of Toronto. His previous publications include Philosophy in Classical India (Routledge), The Concealed Art of the Soul, The Self, Attention Not Self, and Classical Indian philosophy (A History of Philosophy without any Gaps, Vol. 5).
Cliff Goddard is Professor of Linguistics at Griffith University. His research interests include semantics, ethnopragmatics, language description, and accessible communication. His recent books include Words and Meanings (with Anna Wierzbicka; 2014) and the edited collection Minimal English for a Global World (2018). He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Humanities.
Masaharu Mizumoto is associate professor of Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. His area of interest includes experimental epistemology, philosophy of language, Wittgenstein, etc. He is the first editor of Epistemology for the Rest of the World (2018).