Restoring the Inner Heart
Mary Naumenko - Paperback
Abbess Arsenia (born Anna Mikhailovna Sebriakova) was the long-tenured superior of the Transfiuguration Monastery, serving for over 45 years in that position during the second half of the 19th century. Mary Naumenko has been involved in parish ministry for thirty-five years together with her husband who is a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church. She is the translator of two books of spiritual counsel from Russian into English: Letters to Spiritual Children (Nikodemos Orthodox Publication Society) and Striving Toward God: Spiritual Advice for Daily Living (Holy Trinity Publications) as well as the author of five books in the Lives of Saints for Young People series published by Holy Trinity Monastery. She earned an M.A. in Humanities through The Great Books Honors College at Faulkner University (Montgomery, AL). Her Master’s thesis on the patristic concept of the nous in the writings of Dostoevsky provided the initial impetus for this book.