Mary Kate Donais Author

Mary Kate Donais earned her BS (Bucknell University) and PhD (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) in chemistry. Following positions in government and industry, she joined the faculty at Saint Anselm College where she is currently a professor in the chemistry department. Dr Donais' research focus is on applications of atomic spectroscopy and portable instrumentation, especially in the field of archaeology. She is actively involved with the Society for Applied Spectroscopy (SAS) and FACSS, and is a member of the Society for Archaeological Sciences. Dr Donais is a fellow of the SAS and the Royal Society of Chemistry.

David George earned his BA in art history and archaeology (University of Missouri-Columbia) and his PhD in classical studies (The Ohio State University). He is currently a professor and chair of classics at Saint Anselm College. Dr George teaches courses in classical languages as well as classical archaeology. He has done archaeological work in Greece and Italy and currently directs excavations in and around Orvieto, Italy. Dr George has published widely on topics from Greek tragedy to Latin Epic as well as aspects of Greek and Roman archaeology. He has been on the History Channel in a number of documentaries such as the ""Battles BC"" series.