The Power of Geographical Thinking
3 contributors - Hardback
Clare Brooks is Honorary Secretary of the International Geographical Union – Commission for Geography Education, and a member of the International Steering Group. She is also Chair of the UK Committee of the Commission. As Senior Lecturer in Geography Education at the UCL Institute of Education, she was worked on post-graduate programmes in geography education for fifteen years. Her research interests are in teachers’ use of their subject knowledge and how teachers geographical knowledge influences classroom practices.
Mary Fargher is a member of the UK Committee of the International Geographical Union - Commission for Geography Education. After six years working on post-graduate programmes, she now leads the MA Geography in Education and Teach First geography programmes at UCL Institute of Education. Her research interests are in the use of geospatial technologies in supporting high quality teaching and learning in geography.<
Lesson Planning (3rd edition) (2008), Making Assessment Matter (2010) and, as editor, Geography, Education and the Future (2011) and MasterClass in Geography Education (2015). Graham is a long established member of the Geographical Association and an invited member of the UK Committee of the International Geographical Union (IGU).
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