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Marvel Moreno Author

Marvel Moreno was born in Barranquilla, Colombia, in 1939. As a teenager, under her father’s guide, she began to read the great writers, who would later come to bear a definitive influence upon her writing, including Virginia Woolf and William Faulkner. She maintained a close relationship with the members of the “Barranquilla Group” including Gabriel García Márquez. She is well known in Colombia and is considered one of the most important Colombian writers. Her novel December Breeze was a finalist in the Plaza y Janés International Literary Prize in 1985 and was translated into Italian and French. In 1989 she received the Grinzane-Cavour prize awarded in Italy for best foreign book. She died in 1995 in Paris. Isabel Adey is a translator and editor working with English, Spanish and German. A former winner of the Emerging Translators Programme at the Goethe-Institut, her work has been featured in Latin American Literature Today, Art in Translation, and Glasgow Review of Books. She has translated fiction and nonfiction by authors including Ulrike Draesner and Alfons Kaiser. She holds an MSc in Translation from Heriot-Watt University and has taught Spanish-to-English translation to postgraduate level. Charlotte Coombe is a British literary translator working from French and Spanish into English. A two-time Pen Translates award winner, she was shortlisted for the Valle Inclán Translation Prize 2019 for her translation of Fish Soup by Margarita García Robayo. She has translated fiction and poetry by authors such as Abnousse Shalmani, Eduardo Berti, Ricardo Romero, Antonio Díaz Oliva, and Jimena González.