Martina Steber Editor & Author

Martina Steber is Research Fellow at the Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Munich previously she was based at the German Historical Institute London. Her first book Ethnische Gewissheiten: Die Ordnung des Regionalen vom Kaiserreich bis zum NS-Regime (2010) is an enquiry into the significance of regionality in German political culture in the first half of the twentieth century. She has published on the history of historiography, and on contemporary British and German political history. Currently she is co-editing a collection which scrutinizes German ideas of 'the West' in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and completing a book on political languages of conservatism in West Germany and the United Kingdom in the 1960s and 1970s. Bernhard Gotto is research fellow at the Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Munich. In 2006 he published Nationalsozialistische Kommunalpolitik: Administrative Normalität und Systemstabilisierung durch die Augsburger Stadtverwaltung 1933-1945, which reevaluates the impact of urban administration in Nazi Germany. As well as several books on economic history in the 20th century, he has co-edited two volumes on crisis and the perception of crisis in Germany and France in the 1960s and 1970s. Since 2012 he has coordinated a Leibniz Graduate School on Disappointment in the 20th Century. His current research project scrutinizes the effects of disappointment on democracy in West Germany from 1960 to 1989.