4 authors - Hardback
Martin Skov was trained in linguistics and literary theory before pursuing a Ph.D. in neuroscience, using functional MRI (fMRI) to investigate the neurobiological underpinnings of aesthetic preference formation. He is currently a research fellow at The Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance at the Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre. He is a coeditor of several books, in Danish and English, and, together with a colleague, is writing a book on the relation between preference formation and decision-making. Oshin Vartanian received his Ph.D. in experimental psychology at the University of Maine, with Dr. Colin Martindale as his supervisor. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship in cognitive neuroscience under the supervision of Dr. Vinod Goel at York University, in Toronto, and a visiting fellowship under the supervision of Dr. David R. Mandel at DRDC Toronto, where he is currently a Defence Scientist. He studies the neural underpinnings of higher cognitive function, including creativity, reasoning, and decision making, as well as the neural bases of preference formation and aesthetics.