Martin Lames Editor & Author

Martin Lames, Prof. Dr. Sportwiss. habil., is Chair for Training Science, Performance Analysis and Sport Informatics at the Technical University of Munich. Prior to taking up this position in 2009, he had been Professor for Movement Science and Training Science and Director of the Institute for Sports Science at the Universities of Augsburg and Rostock. Professor Lames has held a variety of important national and international organizational positions, including President (2013–) and General Secretary (2011–3) of the International Association for Computer Science in Sport (IACSS) and Vice-President of the German Association for Sports Science (2003–7). He is a member of the German Top Performance Sports Research Steering Commission, representing Sports Science, and of the Board of the International Society for Performance Analysis in Sports. Professor Lames is an editorial board member for the International Journal of Performance Analysis of Sport and the International Journal of Computer Science in Sport. He has conducted research on numerous topics in the field and has published widely.