Martin Kennedy Author & Editor

Martin Kennedy started his career as a wireline logging engineer with Schlumberger and has been involved in some aspect of petrophysics ever since. After short spells working in research and government, he joined British Gas in 1991 and moved to Enterprise Oil five years later. He was Chief Petrophysicist at Enterprise from 1997 until the Shell takeover when he joined Petro-Canada, also as Chief Petrophysicist. He joined Woodside and moved to Perth in 2003 and was appointed Chief Petrophysicist eighteen months later. Over the next five years he worked on most of Woodside’s Australian and Overseas assets and at the same time implemented a range of improvements to Woodside’s Petrophysics capability. In 2008 he left to work as an independent consultant and now supports a wide range of organisations working throughout the world. His career has spanned everything from field developments to quick-look evaluations supporting new venture activity, operations and unitisation. He has worked in many of the classic petroleum provinces and has a lot of experience in what are generally considered the more difficult areas of petrophysics such as carbonates, fractured reservoirs and tight gas. Martin holds a BSc degree in Chemistry from Bristol University and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Edinburgh University.