Martin Hawley Editor

Dr Martin Hawley is the founder of Winsland, an international aviation consulting company. He has been developing and applying security methodology in the air transport industry since 2010, focusing on air traffic control and airports. His work includes developing security management systems, conducting security risk assessments and developing methods for partners in transport networks to collaborate and share security information. Martin maintains an interest in furthering the academic side of security and has co-authored a number of papers. Aside from his security interests, Martin's work focuses on collaborative digital innovation projects, and he has been involved in several start-ups including a new focus on mitigating climate change through a digital transformation of airspace management. His consulting work also includes strategy, policy, economic and regulatory aspects in air traffic management. Martin has a BSc and PhD in Physics from the University of Surrey. He is a member of the IET and a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists.