Martin A Bader Author & Editor

Oliver Gassmann is Professor of Technology and Innovation Management at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) and also Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Technology Management there. He is a keynote speaker for several Executive MBA programs aside from being the author and editor of 20 books, and of over 400 international papers in technology and innovation management. Oliver Gassmann is a member of the board of the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, a board member of several international companies, as well as co-founder of several spin-offs. Until 2002, he was the head of research and pre-development at Schindler. His research focuses on success factors for innovation and business models.

He has received numerous awards and honors for his work, including the RADMA Prize (1998, Manchester), and in 2013 was ranked as the Top Economist of Germany (2013, FAZ). Also listed as being among the Top 50 Researchers (2014, IAMOT) he became the recipient of the prestigious Scholarly Impact Award (2014, Journal of Management). According to Google Scholar he is the most frequently cited authority in the field of ‘R&D Management’ worldwide (2020).

Martin A. Bader is a European and Swiss Patent Attorney. As well as being Partner and Co-Founder of the specialized innovation and intellectual property management advisory group BGW AG St. Gallen, he has, since March 2016, been Professor for Technology Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Applied Sciences Ingolstadt (THI). Previously, he was Head of the Intellectual Property Management Competence Center at the Institute of Technology Management at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) and was, until 2002, Vice President and Chief Intellectual Property Officer at Infineon Technologies, Munich.

He is a mediator at the Mediation Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and has for many years been regarded as being among the top 300 intellectual property strategists worldwide according to the Intellectual Asset Management magazine’s IAM strategy 300 index. He is also a long-standing author of numerous specialist publications and an internationally sought-after speaker in the field of intellectual property management.


Mark James Thompson is Assistant Director of the Center for Data Excellence at the Australian patent office (IP Australia) and CEO of Arêté Statistics AG, an inferential statistical consultancy. He was Chief Economist of the Austrian Patent office, and worked for several years at the Swiss office as an economist on patent reform legislation.

He did his PhD specifically on statistical and econometric patent valuation and competition, and uses that knowledge to run a long-short equity.