Martha M Roggenkamp Editor

Martha M. Roggenkamp is professor of Energy Law at the University of Groningen and Director of the Groningen Centre of Energy Law. She is also a board member of the Groningen Energy and Sustainability Program (GESP) and the coordinator of the North Sea Energy Law Program and the specialization 'Energy and Climate Law" in the LLM European Law. She has published widely on energy law issues since the early 1990s. She is the author of the monograph "Oil and Gas: Netherlands Law and Practice" (Chancery 1991) and "Het Juridisch Kader van Pijpleidingen in de Olie- en Gasindustrie" (PhD, Intersentia 1999). She is one of the co-editors of the book "Energy Law in Europe" (OUP 2003, 2007 and 2015), The Regulation of Power Exchanges in Europe (Intersentia 2004), the "European Energy Law Report I - X (Intersentia 2004-2014), "Legal Design of Carbon Capture and Storage-Developments in the Netherlands from an International and EU Perspective" (Intersentia 2009), "Energy Networks and the Law - Innovative Solutions in Changing Markets"(OUP 2012) and "Essential EU Climate Law"(Edgar Elgar forthcoming 2015).She also has the chair of the Dutch Association of Energy Lawyers and as a member of the Academic Advisory Group of the Section on Energy, Environment and Infrastructure law of the IBA she has participated in several research projects covering issues such as "Security of Energy Supply", "Human Rights in the Energy Sector", "Reregulating the Energy and Natural Resources Sector" and "The Law of Energy Underground" (all published at OUP). In addition, she is editor in chief of the series Energy & Law published by Intersentia (Antwerp), member of the editorial board of the Dutch Journal of Energy Law and of the editorial committee of the Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law, the International Energy Law Review and the Renewable Energy Law and Policy Review. Catherine Banet is Associate Professor, Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law, Energy and Resources Law Department, University of Oslo, Norway.