After God – The Normative Power of the Will from the Nietzschean Perspective
Marta Soniewicka - Hardback
Marta Soniewicka (editor): obtained doctorate both in Law (2007) and in Philosophy (2016). She works as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Ethics at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland). Her research interests concentrate on the philosophy of law, political philosophy, and ethics (including bioethics). She has authored and co-authored numerous articles, chapters and books, includingGranice sprawiedliwości, sprawiedliwość ponad granicami (Boundaries of Justice, Justice Beyond Boundaries, Wolters Kluwer 2010), Paradoksy bioetyki prawniczej (Paradoxes of Legal Bioethics, Wolters Kluwer 2010; along with J. Stelmach & B. Brożek & W. Załuski). She has received numerous awards and scholarships, including the Fulbright Scholarship (2011), the scholarship of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education for outstanding young scholars (2013-2016), and the award of the Polish weekly magazine “Polityka” (2011).