Marta Choroszewicz Editor

Marta Choroszewicz, PhD, is a postdoctoral researcher in sociology at the University of Eastern Finland. She completed her PhD on career experiences of women in the legal profession in Finland and Poland. She is currently involved in two projects. The first project explores the links between mobile technologies, intersection of gender and age, work-family reconciliation and career progress in the legal profession. The second project, Data-Driven Society in the Making, focuses on the use of digital data and learning algorithms in healthcare and social welfare services in Finland.

Tracey L Adams is a sociologist at the University of Western Ontario, Canada who specializes in the sociology of work, occupations and professions. Within this broad area, she has two primary areas of research. The first explores work and social inequality, with a focus on gender, in intersection with class, race, and age. The second research area is professional work in Canada. This research pays particular attention to professional regulation, profession creation, professional change, and inter-professional relations.