Marsha Michie Editor

Megan A. Allyse, Ph.D., is a sociologist and empirical bioethicist who studies patient experience and health disparities in women and adolescent health. Dr. Allyse is an expert in qualitative health research and employs community engaged mixed method research. In her work, she partners with clinicians, patients, communities and advocacy groups to understand the sources of inequity in healthcare and innovative strategies to address them. 

Marsha Michie is a cultural anthropologist and empirical bioethicist who studies social and ethical issues in genetics and reproduction. Dr. Michie has conducted qualitative and mixed methods research with pregnant women and their partners, families of people with genetic conditions, and on a variety of stakeholders in genetic research and practice. Dr. Michie's current research focuses on integrating ethical and social guidance into translational processes in biomedicine, particularly in reproduction and genomics, and on integrating understandings of disability and identity into bioethics.