Household Baggage
Marna Ashburn - Paperback
Marna Ashburn grew up in an Air Force family, served five years in the US Army as a helicopter pilot after college, and then was a military wife for twenty years. Marna is the author of many books and articles on military life and military families, including Household Baggage: The Moving Life of a Military Wife (2006) and Household Baggage Handlers: 56 Stories from the Hearts and Lives of Military Wives (2008). She has been a featured guest speaker at Spouse Club meetings at military installations across the country, including Fort Leavenworth, Fort Drum, Fort Irwin, Fort Polk, the US Military Academy, Hanscom AFB, Carlisle Barracks, and the Naval War College, and has been interviewed several times on Army Wife Talk Radio (AWTN.com) and SpouseBuzz.com. She was a regular monthly columnist for Military Spouse magazine, and her other articles and essays were featured in publications such as Off Duty, Married to the Military, American Baby, Skirt!, The Military Times, SO Rhode Island, and the Providence Journal. Her books can be found at her website, HouseholdBaggage.com, which also links to her blog, The Chronicles of Marna.