Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling
5 contributors - Hardback
André Borrmann is Full Professor for Computational Modeling and Simulation, and Chairman of the Center of Digital Methods for the Built Environment at Technische Universität München. His research focuses on the technological aspects of Building Information Modeling. Professor Borrmann is currently chairing the German Association of Computing in Civil Engineering (GACCE). He is advising the German government concerning its BIM roadmap and is actively supporting the construction industry’s shift towards the adoption of advanced digital technology. Related to this, he is pushing forward the international standardization activities of buildingSMART.
Markus König is Full Professor for Computing in Engineering at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. His research interests include building information modeling, lean construction, simulation-based scheduling, knowledge management, internet of things as well as virtual and augmented reality. He supported the development of the “Road Map for Digital Design and Construction” for the German government and is now co-responsible for its implementation by 2020. Professor König established the first BIM Professional certification program in Germany and initiated various practical BIM networks in Germany.
Christian Koch is Full Professor and Chair of Intelligent Technical Design, and Course Director of the M.Sc. Program Digital Engineering at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. His research and teaching interests are in the foundations and applications of modern information and communication technology (ICT) during the design, the construction and the operation of civil infrastructure using methods of Building Information Modeling (BIM), Computer Vision and Machine Learning as well as Virtual and Augmented Reality.
Jakob Beetz works as a full professor for Computational Design at the Department of Architecture of the RWTH Aachen University, Germany. He has been active in numerous international research, development and standardization efforts in the fields of Building Information Modeling, Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Interoperability, Linked Data and Semantic Web. He is a co-founder of the Open Source model server platform bimserver.org and worked on the development of the Linked Data representation of the Industry Foundation Classes ifcOWL and its standardization.