Mark Von Rosing Author & Editor

Prof. Mark von Rosing is in every way an innovator impacting developments, standards, frameworks, methods and approaches around the world. For over 15 years he has taught in different universities around the world. He founded in 2004, the Global University Alliance (GUA), the largest non-vendor academic platform for academic collaboration. As a part of the GUA work he has been involved of developing 96 Enterprise Standards and 51 Industry Standards, both with ISO, OMG, LEADing Practice, NATO and many more. Founding LEADing Practice, the fastest growing community with +3900 practitioners. Some of the major focus areas are among others:• Academic research focus on Enterprise DNA, Business Model, BPM, EA, Value Modelling, Case Management and Social Media• Member & Co-developer of the OMG-Object Management Group standards, which has among others published:- Value Delivery Modeling Language (VDML)- Business planning and motivation modeling (BMM)- Business Process Modeling Notations (BPMN)- Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Rules (SBVR)- Decision Model and Notation (DMN)• Researcher and developer of ISO Enterprise Architecture standards• Research collaboration and developer with IEEE standards.• Member & Co-developer of the Global TOGAF Business Architecture Methods & Certification Development Group• Development member of the NATO standards, including EA, BPM, Capabilities and joint mission execution.• Built the BPM and EA curriculum for the SAP University Alliance (+ 900 universities). • Developer of SAP Business Process Expert (BPX) and SAP LEAD Enterprise Architecture certification program.• SAP AG Method developer e.g. ASAP, SAP Agile, BPM, Enterprise Architecture (EAF). Author of multiple publications among them the last 3 years:• SAP Press bestseller: "Applying real-world BPM in an SAP environment" • IEEE publication "Defining the profession of the Business Architect" as well as the publication "How to integrate Enterprise Architecture and BPM", • Springer: Conceptual Structures in LEADing and Best Enterprise Practices as well as The Impact of Culture Differences on Cloud Computing Adoption • Future Strategies Inc. and the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) “Passports to Success in BPM” Henrik von Scheel is regarded as one of the most influential thinkers on strategy with focus on growth + innovation and is a sought-after speaker. Listed by Financial Times as one of the most influential business thinkers on strategy and management concepts and corporate practices. He was awarded the “NEXT 100 Top Influencers of the European Digital Industry in 2012" among the most important Europeans shaping our digital future. Best known as one of the founding fathers of Europe’s digital agenda 2020 and Industry 4.0. He has played a significant role to define Germany's digital agenda in 09, which was adopted by the European Commission in 2010 as part of the Europe 2020. He digital agenda evolved into the fourth industrial revolution. Through his academic research, publications and efforts with standard bodies (ISO, IEEE, OMG, CEN, NIST, LEADing Practice, NATO, UN, W3C) he has defined concepts and practices in business management and strategy execution that have evolved the mainstream thinking of what is being taught by academia and applied by organizations today. He is accredited for his contribution of having identified the repeatable patterns of the outperformers, early adopters, & industry adopters and hyper-growth organization over the past 30 years i.e. best practices, industry practices, leading practices, emerging & disruptive trends adoptions patterns. Most notable are the emerging & disruptive trends, competitive advantage lifecycle, six business models, operating model notations and complexity simplification. Henrik is the CEO of LEADing Practice and serves as board member at Google EMEA, Gazprom, Global University Alliance and Capital Investment Partners. Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Scheer is founder of the Institute for Information Systems (IWi) at Saarland University and was its director for 30 years. His publications in the field of business information systems are today considered standard references and are very well known across the global market. The Y-CIM production model, created by Prof. Scheer, serves as an overall framework for integrating operative information systems in the manufacturing industries. Prof Scheer was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2013 by the Global University Alliance on behave of +300 universities, in recognition of his long-term impact and contribution to evolve the academic world and organization’s structural thinking of how to apply enterprise modelling today. Leaving his mark on this generation and generations to come. Pushing the bar with his research and focus on information and business process management, Prof Scheer has, among others, brought to us:• Link between processes and information.• His contribution to the academic world: in 1975 Scheer took over one of the first chairs for information systems and founded the Institute for information Systems (IWI) at the Saarland University, which he led until 2005.• His contribution to the Software world: In 1984 he founded IDS Scheer, a Business Process Management (BPM) software company, which is still today the market leader.• His contribution to Enterprise Modelling: The ARIS House which is one of the first Enterprise Modelling concepts that combines and organizes information of an organization in five interrelated views: data, function, organization, output, and control.His contribution to the Process Modelling community: He developed among others 2 main concepts for Business Process Modelling:• Business content in Value-added Chain Diagrams (VCD).• Process content in Event-driven Process Chains (EPC).He is widely regarded as the founder of the BPM industry.In 1984, he founded the international software and consulting company IDS Scheer AG. Until 2009 he expanded the business to become one of the leading IT companies in Germany. In 1997 he founded the imc AG located in Saarbrücken and in 2000 the Scheer Group GmbH which participates in innovative high tech companies, such as the Scheer Management Consulting & Solutions GmbH. He is forerunner and companion of the future project "Industry 4.0" initiated by the German federal government. The network of IT companies within the Scheer Group are actively participating in the implementation of projects along with well-known industry and research partners.