Automotive Systems and Software Engineering
2 contributors - Hardback
Yanja Dajsuren is a program director of the PDEng Software Technology program and assistant professor at the Software Engineering and Technology (SET) group, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Prior to her PhD research in the area of automotive software architecture and engineering field, she worked as a scientist and senior scientist for half a decade working on various advanced software development projects at the Philips Research Lab, NXP Semiconductors (former Philips Semiconductors), and Virage Logic. She is currently working on system/software architecture and quality related topics of autonomous and cooperative driving vehicles as well as cooperative- intelligent transport systems.
Mark van den Brand is a graduate school dean at the Department of Mathematics and Computer department and a full professor at SET group of the TU/e which has been involved in the advancement of the automotive technologies in the context of Dutch and European projects. The group is currently involved in the i-CAVE (integrated Cooperative Automated VEhicles) research and innovation program funded by the Dutch technology foundation STW that addresses current transportation challenges regarding throughput and safety with an integrated approach to automated and cooperative driving. The group is also involved in the European H2020 project C-MobILE on supporting large-scale deployment of cooperative intelligent transport systems and services across Europe. Finally, he is involved in the Automotive Technology Master’s program.