When Britain Went Decimal
Mark Stocker - Hardback
Dr Conal McCarthy is Director of the Museum & Heritage Studies programme at Victoria University. He completed a Master's degree in Art History at Canterbury University in the 1980s, where he was taught by Jonathan Mane-Wheoki. His latest co-authored book is Collecting, ordering governing: Anthropology, museums and liberal government. His next book, co-edited with Philipp Schorch, is Curatopia: Museums and the future of curatorship.
Dr Mark Stocker, FSA is Curator Historical International Art at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. He has published extensively on Victorian art, and was Jonathan Mane-Wheoki's colleague and friend both at the University of Canterbury (1986-2003) and at Te Papa (2014). He recently edited Tributes to Jean Michel Massing: Towards a Global Art History.