Mark Seddon Author

Francis Beckett is an author, award-winning journalist and playwright. He has been a Labour Party press officer, a trade union head of communications, and president of the National Union of Journalists. His nineteen books include Clem Attlee, Fascist in the Family (which is about his own father) and 1956: The Year that Changed Britain. Mark Seddon was editor of Tribune for thirteen years and a member of Labour's ruling National Executive Committee for eight years, before becoming the first UN & New York correspondent for al Jazeera English TV. He has also worked for UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon and for Gordon Brown in his capacity as UN Special Envoy for Global Education. He has written for amongst others: the New York Times, Boston Globe, The Guardian, The Times, The Independent, Daily Mail, The Spectator, New Statesman, Private Eye, The Oldie and Country Life. He is the author of Standing for Something: Life in the Awkward Squad.