Mark S Oordt Author

Christopher L. Hunter, PhD, ABPP, graduated from the University of Memphis with his PhD in clinical psychology with a specialization in behavioral medicine. He is board certified in clinical health psychology and works for the Defense Health Agency as the Department of Defense (DoD) Program Manager for Behavioral Health in Primary Care.

As the DoD lead for the last 8 years, he has worked to develop policy, secure funding, and oversee the rollout of primary care behavioral health services for Military Health System enrollees. He has extensive experience developing integrated primary care behavioral health services as well as training individuals to work in primary care settings treating common mental health conditions (e.g., depression), health behavior problems (e.g. tobacco use, obesity) and chronic medical conditions (e.g., diabetes, chronic pain). He is also a coauthor on the 2016 book, Integrating Behavioral Health Into the Medical Home: A Rapid Implementation Guide and a coeditor on the 2014 Handbook of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings: Evidence-Based Assessment and Intervention.

Jeffrey L. Goodie, PhD, ABPP, is a board certified clinical health psychologist and an associate professor in the department of Medical and Clinical Psychology and the department of Family Medicine at the Uniformed Services University (USU) in Bethesda, MD. He serves as the Director of Clinical Training of the Clinical Psychology program at USU.

Dr. Goodie earned his PhD from West Virginia University and completed his residency and a post-doctoral fellowship in clinical health psychology at Wilford Hall Medical Center at Lackland Air Force Base. Dr. Goodie has served as an internal behavioral health consultant in family medicine, internal medicine, and OB/GYN clinics. He has trained psychology and social work residents and providers how to provide behavioral health interventions in integrated primary care settings. He is a Fellow of APA and the Society of Behavioral Medicine.

Mark S. Oordt, PhD, ABPP, earned a PhD in clinical psychology from the Fuller Graduate Schools in Pasadena, California in 1992 and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in clinical health psychology at Wilford Hall Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. He is a licensed clinical psychologist and a diplomate of the American Board of Professional Psychology in clinical health psychology.

Specific professional interests include integrated behavioral health in primary care settings, assessment and treatment of suicidal risk, clinical health psychology, substance abuse prevention, and behavioral health care with military populations. He currently resides in Fairfax, Virginia.

Anne C. Dobmeyer, PhD, ABPP, is a clinical health psychologist who has been actively involved in implementation and training in integrated primary care for the past 16 years.

She has established fully integrated primary care behavioral health services in family medicine, internal medicine, and women's health clinics, and provided training and consultation to clinics and medical centers across the country. Her publications and presentations primarily focus on training, implementation, and evaluation of integrated primary care programs.

Dr. Dobmeyer obtained her PhD from Utah State University and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in clinical health psychology at Wilford Hall Medical Center. She has served as president of the American Board of Clinical Health Psychology and is currently a trustee of the American Board of Professional Psychology.