Mark Perry Author & Editor

Mark Perry is Professor of Law at the University of New England, Australia and Barrister and Solicitor of the Law Society of Upper Canada. He is also Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at Western University in Canada. His research is on the nexus of Science and Law, in particular focussing on biotechnology and intellectual property. Professor Perry has prelected audiences around the world, including Brasil, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, the United States, United Kingdom and Australia. He has been an invited and keynote speaker at many international conferences regarding technology and law. Along with invitations to speak, he has organised several global conferences in Canada, Australia and China, and been an advisor on other symposia overseas. Professor Perry has published widely in both law and technology journals, and has supervised many post doctoral, graduate and undergraduate students, who have gone on to work at law firms, industry, non-governmental organisations or taken positions in universities.