3 authors - Hardback
Richard J. Bailey Jr is the Dean of Students and professor of Strategy and Security Studies, USAF School of Advanced Air and Space Studies (SAASS), Maxwell AFB, Alabama, USA. He earned his PhD in the Department of Government at Georgetown University. Rick is an active duty US Air Force colonel, with over 3,500 flight hours in various Air Force aircraft. His research interests include military strategy, cyber power, and civil-military relations.
James W. Forsyth Jr is the Dean of the Air Command and Staff College at Maxwell AFB, Alabama, USA. He received his PhD in International Studies from the Joseph Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver. While there, he studied international and comparative politics, as well as security studies. His research interests are wide ranging and he has written on great power conflict and war.
Mark O. Yeisley is a former Colonel and Associate Professor at the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies and holds a PhD in International Relations from Duke University, USA. While on active duty he served in various operational and staff assignments, and currently teaches for Air Command and Staff College.