Mark Kiel Author

Clive Hazell attended the Gilberd School, Colchester, England, and received a BA in Geography from Reading University, Berkshire and a Masters in Geography from Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. He worked on projects aimed at bringing about school change at the Institute for Juvenile Research, Chicago. These were funded by the U.S. Ofice of Education and the Ford Foundation. He graduated with a doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology from Northwestern University in 1982 and has had a private practice in Chicago since that date. He has attended and consulted at Tavistock groups since 1978 and has published several books and papers on this and other topics. Recent books address the therapeutic impact of Tavistock groups with patients carrying diagnoses of severe mental illness. Dr Mark Kiel is a clinical psychologist, group psychotherapist, and is board certified in Organizational and Business Psychology. He is the Vice-President/President Elect of the Chicago Center for the Study of Group and Organizations (CCSGO). Over the last decade, Dr Kiel coordinated a group-based Personal and Professional Development program as part of the curriculum of a clinical psychology program and teaches courses in group dynamics, psychoanalytic theory and practice and organizational consultation. He is active in Group Relations Conferences serving as a director and consultant with particular interest in Large Study Groups, Institutional Systems Events and post conference application.