Learning in Virtual Worlds
4 contributors - Paperback
Sue Gregory is associate professor and chair ofresearch in the School of Education at the University of New England,Australia. She lectures in ICT education, conducts research on the useof virtual worlds for learning and teaching, and leads the Australiaand New Zealand Virtual Worlds Working Group.
Mark J.W. Lee, adjunct senior lecturer with theSchool of Education at Charles Sturt University and immediate pasteditor-in-chief of MERLOT’s Journal of Online Learning andTeaching, has broad interests in learning sciences and technology,with a current focus on creative and playful pedagogies that transcendmultiple spaces, temporalities, and/or modalities.
Barney Dalgarno, Professor/Co-Director of theuImagine Digital Learning Innovation Laboratory at Charles SturtUniversity and co-lead editor of the Australasian Journal ofEducational Technology, has received national and internationalrecognition for his innovative research, teaching, and learning designusing leading-edge technologies.
Belinda Tynan, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning andTeaching) at The Open University in the United Kingdom, has heldmanagement positions at higher education institutions in four countriesacross three continents, and over the years has attracted considerablegrant funding as well as been responsible for multiple, large-scaleinnovation projects.
Contributors: Paul M. Baker, Francesca Bertacchini,Leanne Cameron, Chris Campbell, Helen S. Farley, Laura Fedeli, SueGregory, Christopher Hardy, Bob Heller, Vicki Knox, Shailey Minocha,Jessica Pater, Margarita Pérez García, Mike Procter, Torsten Reiners,Paul Resta, Corbin Rose, Miri Shonfeld, Ann Smith, Layla F. Tabatabaie,Assunta Tavernise, Robert L. Todd, Steven Warburton, and Stephany F.Wilkes.