Mark Hyde Editor & Author

Mark Hyde is a Readerin Work and Pensions at the University of Plymouth, UK. His most recent work on the privatisation of pensions has included several books and monographs: The Marketization of Social Security (2001), The Privatization of Mandatory Retirement Income Protection (2006), The Intergenerational Covenant (2010) and Classical Liberalism and Conservatism (2014).

Silvia Borzutzky is a Teaching Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, USA. She has written extensively on Chilean politics and social security policies. She is the author of Vital Connections: Politics, Social Security and Inequality in Chile (2002), and co-editor of After Pinochet: The Chilean Road to Capitalism and Democracy (2006), and The Bachelet Government: Conflict and Consensus in Post-Pinochet Chile (2010).