Mark Foss - Paperback
Spoon Jackson (Editor)
Spoon Jackson is a poet serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole in California state prisons. It was through Judith Tannenbalum’s poetry classes in San Quentin State Prison that Spoon discovered the power of words. In addition to his own extensive list of published work, Spoon co-authored a double memoir with Judith, By Heart: Poetry, Prison, and Two Lives.
Mark Foss (Editor)
Mark Foss is a Montreal-based author whose works include the novels Molly O and Spoilers, as well as essays and creative non-fiction. He became friends with Spoon Jackson following work on the production of Spoon, a film by Michka Saäl completed in 2015. The film is a poetic and political dialogue between Spoon and Michka.
Sara Press (Editor)
Sara Press is Judith Tannenbaum’s daughter, who grew up listening to her mother’s raw stories about teaching poetry in San Quentin. Sara witnessed how her mother shared her convictions about teaching, writing, and social justice. Continuing her mother’s love of the natural world, Sara is now a professional conservationist for a land trust in Sonoma County, California.