Mark Driessen Author

Tatiana Ivleva is a research fellow at Newcastle University. She studied archaeology at the Russian State University for the Humanities in Moscow, Russia, and Leiden University, the Netherlands, where she received a PhD in 2012 with a thesis entitled "Britons Abroad: the Mobility of Britons and the Circulation of British-made Objects in the Roman Empire". She has published extensively in edited volumes and international journals on Roman diaspora, migration, and mobility, the Roman army and provincial material culture. Jasper de Bruin is a lecturer at the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University, the Netherlands. His main research interest focuses on the archaeology of the Roman period, especially communities and exchange mechanisms in the western part of the Netherlands. Mark Driessen is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University, the Netherlands. His main research interests are the military logistics, infrastructure and trade in the Roman period.