Mark Bryden Author

Mark Bryden is an architect and co-founder of tech-powered international design company Bryden Wood, where he continues to develop the company’s philosophy and practice while playing an active role in all aspects of the company’s work. Professor John Dyson is Professor of Human Enterprise at the University of Birmingham, having previously spent more than 25 years at GlaxoSmithKline, where as VP, Head of Capital Strategy and Design, he developed a highly successful long-term strategic approach to asset management. Jamie Johnston MBE is a Board Director at Bryden Wood, an author and global authority on the Platforms approach to Design for Manufacture and Assembly (P-DfMA) and a leading expert in new data-led, digital workflows for government and private sector clients around the world. Martin Wood is co-founding architect of tech-powered international design company Bryden Wood, and focuses on exploiting the opportunities that new technologies represent to deliver the optimum solution to problems of significant complexity and scale.